E-commerce – Don’t be left behind

In these ever-changing times, more business than ever before is being done online. During this pandemic, we know that the high streets and physical stores are suffering tremendously at the moment, but online e-commerce stores are doing better than ever before.

Your Competitors are going to get your customers

Business owners spend years building up their business and attracting loyal returning customers and now is the time when you need them most. If you have had to shut the doors completely because of the Coronavirus and you can’t trade online, you may be in trouble. If your competitors take the initiative to start selling online and you don’t, well the scary fact is, they are taking all of your regulars and they may keep them.

Shopping from home hassle-free

Having an online store is great for many reasons and all that customers want an easy hassle-free experience. Think about it, if you own a physical store there is a long consumer journey to get to the end result of securing a sale!

  1. Customer needs to get ready to go out
  2. Make the decision to visit your store
  3. Travel to your store
  4. Find the products they want (all the while searching for the best deals)
  5. Go to the checkout and Pay

With an e-commerce store, you cut out steps 1,2 and 3 of the physical shopping journey and make step 4. Finding products and searching for the best deals much easier. All in all, increasing your chances of a sale.

What about when things get back to “normal”

When things start to return to “normal” whatever the new normal may be, there will be a reluctance for consumers to return to high street shopping straight away, Even then the number of people who will choose to continue shopping online will be much larger than before the lockdown began.

Make money and get sales while you sleep

You read that correctly, with an e-commerce store you can sell online 24/7 so you can actually make money while you sleep. Set up your products on an e-commerce platform and boom! You’re ready to sell online, you can also create some great deals and discounts that you can offer to entice new or returning customers.

You need a piece of the pie!

The majority of people have got more time on their hands during this lockdown period and with many people being furloughed, we are all browsing the internet and social media for longer. This is a great time to help your business grow, an e-commerce store would be a great way to ensure you are getting a slice of the pie. An e-commerce store is now the top way to ensure that your business is keeping up with the times, it’s the perfect way to expand and possible to ensure the survival of your business during this crisis.

If you would like to discuss e-commerce stores please give one of our friendly team a call on freephone 0800 310 0046.

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