Staffordshire Space

On-Going web development, marketing and paid advertising for one of Staffordshire's most popular summer holiday activity schemes.

Staffordshire Space


Website development, digital marketing & paid advertising

About the Project

Space provide fun activities for 8-17 year-olds during the school summer holiday across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. The scheme also helps with youth ASB and we support Space with all of the marketing and advertising for the various events in the build up, and during, the summer. Each year, the event proves to be more successful with ASB incidents recorded by Police being 354 in 2022 compared to 1,395 when first launched back in 2016.

  • Website Design & Development
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Hosting

You will see from reading the report that this has been another really successful programme with many excellent outcomes. We would like to convey our huge gratitude and thanks to the many people and organisations who have supported The Staffordshire Space Programme.

Have a similar project you'd like our help with?

Drop us an email and one of our account managers will be in touch.