Are You Clued in on the Next Big Sales Opportunity?

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We’ll get straight to the point: Facebook could finally be a great platform for generating real and direct sales, putting to rest any doubt that social media can indeed prove ROI.

Facebook have been working with Shopify to come up with a solution that will let their 936m daily active users (as at March 2015) shop online within Facebook’s confines, all with the click of a button.

Shopify, by the way, is an e-commerce platform that businesses can sign up for to sell their products.

Introducing the Facebook ‘Buy’ call-to-action button

This magical button allows Facebook users to purchase items that they see on their News Feed or on Pages through Shopify’s software.  This means that users never have to leave Facebook.

Facebook Shopify Buy button

Facebook and Shopify ensure us that buying is safe and secure, so consumers can choose to save their payment information on Facebook for quicker, easier purchases in the future.

How can you start selling with the “Buy” button?

At present only a group of Shopify merchants in the US have been invited to the beta test.  When it does become available to the rest of the world, Shopify users will be able to use the e-commerce dashboard to post their products with ‘Buy’ buttons, promote them with paid advertising, and manage customers and orders.

For more information about e-commerce sales with Shopify or social media (from communications to advertising and marketing), please contact the Netinspire team on 01782 524600.

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