Help Chris Raise Money for Caudwell Children

Yes, that’s right.  Our illustrious Managing Director, Chris Peers, has pledged to cycle 400 miles in the Florida heat to raise money for Caudwell Children.  All funds collected will go towards helping 25 life-limited children and their families, as part of the charity’s Destination Dreams programme. Read the story that inspired Chris to take on this amazing challenge.

Help Chris raise funds

Donations are most welcome and very much appreciated.  You’ll be supporting a fantastic cause (more about it just below) and giving Chris a morale boost!

Donate through JustGiving
Visit my JustGiving page by clicking here – it’s simple, fast and secure; plus you can include Gift Aid, which means Caudwell Children can claim tax relief on your donation, and it won’t cost you any extra.

Enter a raffle & win prizes!
Contact me to buy raffle tickets – each costs only £1 and you could win some fab prizes:

  • VIP hospitality tickets for a major football match
  • a 2-night stay at Whittlebury Hall inclusive of meals and drinks
  • Bottle of champagne
  • Box of wine
  • Picnic hamper
  • Chocolates
  • Shopping vouchers

Spread the word
Please tell your friends and anyone who might be interested.

Destination Dreams - Disney World

What is Destination Dreams?

Many children with life-limiting illnesses spend their short lives in the hospital. Coping with illness and constant treatment can take a toll on the kids and their families, physically, financially and emotionally. What Destination Dreams aims to do is treat these children and their immediate families to a well-deserved break in Disney World, away from the stress, painful treatments, and routine hospital appointments.

About the Florida Cycle

About the Florida Cycle

This epic adventure for Chris takes place across the Atlantic Ocean in Florida, US, from November 28th to December 6th, 2015. The 400-mile journey starts in Key West, the southernmost point in the continental US, and continues on to Miami, before we reach the finish line at Universal Studios, Orlando.

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