Facebook Announce Video Autoplay Feature

We’ve all seen videos popping up in our FB newsfeed, so is the recent ‘autoplay’ announcement really a surprise?

With video content becoming more popular across social media it’s an important feature that is here for the long haul. It could prove to be an unpopular move amongst many users to have autoplay with sound on videos.

The video setting will be set as enabled in your Facebook account but if the smart device is set to silent the sound autoplay won’t override this. However, even though it could prove unpopular with its audience there is a simple solution to resolve the issue.

To disable the autoplay with sound, navigate to your Facebook account settings and select disable. Depending on your device it will either be in the sounds or video option within your settings.

As social media advertising is focussing on videos, could static promotions be a thing of the past?

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